cite-effect -- A static analysis tool to understand programs.

     cite-effect is a command-line tool to help :
           + understand legacy programs,
           + validate programs formally,
           + and refactor code.
     It reports :
           +  call  tree - from all entry points and/or to a particular callee
           + call paths to accesses of  a  particular  variable  (read  and/or

     By  the use of a database it is suitable for large programs (30K+ lines).
     It limits the size of reported trees  by  finding  the  so-called  'home'
     function of a symbol : the function during which all references occur.

     It is designed for integration into IDEs such as jEdit or emacs.

     See also


     This documentation applies to cite-effect version 1.3.  It parses pro-
     grams written in C.

     To check version, enter :
           cite-effect --version


     Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Hubert Carbonnelle.

     For use under the terms of the GNU General Public License  and the GNU
     Free Documentation License (from Free Software Foundation).


   Short form
     First create cite-effect.lst , a list of source files to parse.  Then, in
     the same directory, execute
           cite-effect symbol

     This creates the internal database by parsing the source files, then
     reports accesses to the symbol from within the call tree.

     Subsequent execution will reuse the existing database.  On Unix systems,
     the database is automatically recreated if any of the source files has
     been modified.

           cite-effect symbol=
     to report write accesses only.

   Full form
     First build the database, then query it any time, all from the same
     directory.  dbPath must be the first argument (it is the 'object' on
     which cite-effect operates).

     cite-effect dbPath [--verbose] { sourceFilesList | - }

     cite-effect dbPath [--fullPrint] [-from:symbol] [-to:symbol[=]]


   Short form - Windows
           dir /B *.h *.c > cite-effect.lst
           cite-effect x=
     This reports write accesses to x from the C files in current directory.

   Short form - Unix
           ls *.h *.c > cite-effect.lst
           cite-effect x

   Typical output
           | foo()
           | | x=
           | | bar()
           | | | foo()...

     Function calls are listed one per line, indented  to  the  right  of  the
     caller  function.   In  this example, function 'main' refers to (i.e. may
     call) function 'foo' - other calls do not affect variable 'x' and are not
     listed.  Function 'foo' writes 'x' and refers to function 'bar', which in
     turn refers to function 'foo' listed earlier (as noted  by  the  ellipsis

   Full form
     To build database :
           ls *.h *.c | cite-effect myDb -
     Recommended name for myDb is cite-effect.lst.

     To report accesses to variable x in file foo.c :
           cite-effect myDb -to:x -in:foo.c

   Full directory tree analysis
     To build database (progress is shown by outputting files being parsed) :
           find . -name '*.h' -print > files.txt
           find . -name '*.c' -print >> files.txt
           cite-effect myDb --verbose files.txt

     To report write accesses on variable x from function foo :
           cite-effect myDb -to:x= -from:foo

   Editor integration
     To list all references and their respective places :
           cite-effect myDB --fullPrint -to:x

     Output will look like :
           | foo()        [main.c:9 ]
           | | x=        [main.c:20 ]
           | | bar()        [main.c:21 main.c:25 ]
           | | | foo()...        [main.c:31 ]
     Filenames  and line numbers allow jumping to the source line (if suitable
     macros are provided in a customizable editor).


     Reference (by a referer to a referee): a function  call,  or  a  variable

     Entry point : function that is not called by any other function

     Home  function  of a specific variable or function : the function, lowest
     in a tree, within which all references to  the  specific  referee  occur.
     They may be several home functions if there are several entry points.

   Building the database of references
     dbPath is the base name for database files.

     Database  files  are created (or overwritten) by supplying a list of file
     names to parse (one per line).  In the short form, the  list  is  implied
     (cite-effect.lst), and output is verbose (file names are output on stdout
     as they are processed.  In the long form, the list is supplied either  in
     sourceFilesList  file  or with stdin (by invoking with a dash '-').  File
     names are output on stdout in --verbose mode only.

     Symbols are recognized as function or variable with the help of .h files,
     which  should  be  listed  before  .c files.  In case a symbol is wrongly
     typed as function instead of variable (or the opposite),  make  sure  the
     header  file  declaring the symbol is listed before any file referring to
     the symbol.

     The files are expected to compile without errors.  They are parsed  with-
     out pre-processing; this means that
           - files are not actually included by '#include' statements
           -  braces,  curly  braces  and  brackets  ((){}[]) must be balanced
           within macro definitions and within clauses of conditional code.

     The fuzzy parser recognizes the following constructs :

     o   variable definition (outside function body)
               <identifier> { , | = | ; }
               # define <identifier> ... <non-escaped new-line>
         Macro's defined with this later syntax  are  regarded  as  variables;
         functions they call will not be reported as nested.

     o   function definition (outside function body)
               <identifier> ( ... ) ;
               <identifier> ( ... ) { ... }
               # define <identifier>( ... ) ... <non-escaped new-line>

     o   writing a variable
               <arrayItem> { = | += | -= | *= | ... }
               <arrayItem> { ++ | -- }
               { ++ | -- } <arrayItem>
               & <arrayItem>
         The  later form catches access to variables through a pointer (actual
         assignments to the variable may occur only later when the pointer  is
         dereferenced).  In most cases, unary operator & is distinguished from
         the binary operator &.  <arrayItem> describes indexed array :
               <identifier of type 'variable'> {[ ... ]}*

     o   reading a variable
               <identifier of type 'variable'>
         unless a write access is recognized.

     o   function calls (only within function bodies)
               <identifier of type 'function'> ( ... )
               <identifier of type 'function'>
         The later catches assignments of a function pointer (the  call  actu-
         ally occurs only when the function pointer is dereferenced).

     Parse warnings and errors are reported on stderr.

     A  command-line query generates a tree-like report, that lists references
     (i.e. function calls and variable accesses) from entry points or from the
     function selected by -from:

     References  are  listed  in  the order they occur in a function, indented
     right by two (additional) space characters, in order to depict  the  call
     stack history as a tree.

     A  function  appear  only once in the tree.  Additional references to the
     function are simply noted with an ellipsis (...).  In full mode reporting
     (--fullPrint option) , however, all references to a relevant function are
     reported, but only once.

     When a target symbol is provided with -to:symbol[=], its  home  functions
     are identified and used as call-tree roots.


     To validate a program formally, you may follow these steps:

     1.  Output  the  full  call  tree and check that it is complete; possibly
     rework program to simplify call tree.

     2. Select a global variable and output its accesses  in  the  call  tree;
     possibly  rework program to reduce number of accesses and undesired side-

     3. Repeat step above for all sensitive global variables.


     The following old-style function definition is not recognized :
           <identifier> () ... { ... }

     The parser does not handle name scopes and does not distinguish conflict-
     ing names.

     Entry  points  cannot  be  called  recursively (since such an entry point
     would no longer be recognized as a call-tree root;  entire  part  of  the
     call graph would be lost).

     Function  nesting is currently clipped to 60 levels during output.  'Tree
     too deep' is simply output instead of the list of callee functions / sym-
     bol accesses.

     Type  definitions  (with  'typedef')  are not distinguished from variable

     The & token in front of an <identifier> is interpreted  as  the  'address
     of' operator and not the 'and' operator, except in this simple case :
           <arrayItem> & <arrayItem>


     cite-effect returns 0 unless an error occured (independently of number of


                   text file listing the source files to parse.

     cite-effect.sym or dbPath.sym
                   database file holding symbol definitions.

     cite-effect.ref or dbPath.ref
                   database file holding details of symbol references.


     Program aborts without explanation when a memory overflow occurs while
     reading the database.  Try increasing available memory or use -in:

1.3                              Apr 11, 2007                              1.3

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